"Prove 0=3" .Can you support me where is the mistakes?

"Prove 0=3".
Where is mistakes in false proof.
Can you tell me ?
Mistakes in false proof:

Start with x as a solution to:
x2 + x + 1 = 0
Since x ≠ 0, we can divide both sides by x to get:
x + 1 + 1/x = 0
From the original equation we also have x + 1 = –x2, so we substitute into the equation above to get:
x2 + 1/x = 0
1/x = x2
1 = x3
x = 1
So we have x = 1, so let’s substitute that back into the original equationx2 + x + 1 = 0:
12 + 1 + 1 = 0
3 = 0
But this conclusion is absurd! And yet every step seemed correct. So where was the mistake?
.keep continue for  where is mistakes.
The mistake is...

The first step is fine:
x2 + x + 1 = 0
Then dividing by x is also fine.
x + 1 + 1/x = 0
Both of the above equations have 2 solutions, which are -1/2 + i(√3)/2 and -1/2 – i(√3)/2.
The mistake in the false proof originates in the very next step. We then substitute x + 1 = x2 to get:
x2 + 1/x = 0
Now this equation actually has 3 solutions. It has the same two complex solutions, but it also has another extraneous solution of x = 1.
As x = 1 is a new solution at this step, we cannot then substitute it back into the original equation.
It’s a pretty sneaky trick in this problem. But the lesson is that not all steps in a proof are reversible, so you have to check for extraneous solutions, or else you could end up with nonsensical results like 3 = 0.
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"Prove 0=3" .Can you support me where is the mistakes? "Prove 0=3" .Can you support me  where is the mistakes? Reviewed by biharishayar on March 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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